Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Goal to Enter the New Year!

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I'm not perfect. This holiday season has been the longest I've gone without working out and eating right since I started this journey but I've learned a lot about myself and have made a lot of mental triumphs.

However, I've recently felt the change in my body. Some of my clothes don't fit as loose as they did in November, my skin isn't as clear, I feel sluggish, and all I want to do is sleep. Yes, I hate winter because of my depression. 

Because of these changes here are my NEW goals as of December 26. I plan on rewarding myself to help me stay on track and not slip up. From December 26-January 29 I will do the following in order to buy myself a tattoo on my 22nd birthday (January 29).
  • Workout 6 days a week. 1 rest day (unless I'm sick from the chest down).
  • Eat clean 90/10 during the week. 
  • No eating out until February 1! Even on my birthday. 
  • 1 gallon of water a day. 
  • Try 1 new recipe each week (and post the recipe on the blog). 
I'm so excited to get back on track. i'm still proud of my accomplishments so far, but I'm excited to see where I'll be with my new found passion and desire to keep this journey going. 

In other news, I'm so so so so so so so so so blessed by the people and opportunities in my life! My Aunt Sue totally out did herself this Christmas! She has continuously supported my journey and life since the day we met. So, thank you for my awesome new workout gear and smell good that I was eying the day before!
My office did a "Secret Santa" exchange this year which was so much fun! I was lucky enough to have the Dean of the Graduate School draw my name and he and his daughter picked out a book I've wanted for months!! I encourage all my PCOS Cysters to get it for their collection! 
 Finally, I own my first Lululemon products! I was luck enough to win an awesome giveaway on Instagram and I got a $50.00 gift card. Now, I've had several people talk to me about the company and owner and how he has said mean hurtful things toward plus size women. I was not aware of it, and hope that there is no judgement being made. I will do my research and make a decision to either support or discontinue my business with Lululemon. However, I would have never ordered the headbands and underwear with my own money because their items are far too expensive for my lifestyle.

  I want to end this post by saying thank you! Thank you for the support. I appreciate it more than words can say. I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I will check in after the new year. I'm off to Washington until December 29! So excited to be with family and friends this Christmas. 


  1. I have this one:
    Very informative. Going to have to do a re-read soon lol.

    1. I have not seen that one. I will have to look into it. Thanks for sharing! :)
