Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

I'm not one to set resolutions because lets face it, by July, I forgot what I said would be my resolution. Some people live for their New Years Resolutions and they do great by accomplishing what they set forth to complete. I remember last year, when the clock struck midnight and I was slightly intoxicated I told myself that I wanted to be healthy. I didn't want to feel horrible when I was around friends who were enjoying life. I have to say I think I kept my promise to myself, but I realized throughout this past year that it's a promise I have to keep until my final days on Earth. 

In 2014, I've decided to keep something in the back of my mind at all times and to promise myself to see improvements in this area. Finances. You're probably a lot like me in the sense that finances are a burden and a constant stress. I do live paycheck to paycheck, but I know I don't have to. I've told myself in order to break this cycle and stressful topic, I need to plan RIGHT NOW. I will end 2014 with a nice savings account. That's my promise to myself.

2013 has been an amazing year. Tough, really really really really tough, but amazing. I've learned so much about myself that I don't know how I ever was who I was before. 

I'm not going to take too much time talking about how tough or amazing 2013 was because guess's 2014 & who likes living in the past? 

I want to end my evening on one note: you mean the world to me. If you're reading this for the first time or have followed my journey since the beginning, you truly mean the world to me. Your support, interest, love, nice words, and encouragement keeps me going. The past month and a half was the toughest part and instead of feeling like I'm behind, I'm picking up right where I left off. Currently in my kitchen, I have some meal prepping going on and it doesn't feel like I've struggled the last month. I'm back in my groove, and I hope that you are staying focused or that you're starting for the first time. Just keep pushing forward. 

Thank you for your love, I wouldn't be where I am with you. 


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