Saturday, August 3, 2013


No Scale July was tough mentally. But this morning, getting on my scale all of those emotions went away. I had a goal of 199 in my mind. That's it. That's all I wanted from 208. So to see 194.6 you better believe I screamed "Fuck yeah!" Today marks 16 weeks, 4 months. I am officially down -47.6 lbs.

Yesterday, my workout buddy, Raycee and I did a last chance workout of cardio, HIIT, the stair master, and then some core and ab workouts. It was a great burn and I was so excited at how awesome I felt afterward. 

Now, don't get me wrong this month about 3 out of the 4 weeks I was super strict and dedicated. I missed a few workouts due to being sick and the smoke in the air but I really ate clean. Then there were a few meals where I allowed myself to try new things or add more carbs to my diet. Yes, I was worried, but I always managed to workout really hard afterward or the next day. I think mentally I needed to know my boundaries of eating certain foods when it comes to the emotions that come with afterward. I haven't really "cheated" in months. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't feel guilty eating something I know I should stay away from. I never felt guilty which made me feel confident. Eating is such an emotional and mental event that takes places a lot during the day and it's important to be in a good head space so you aren't sabatoging yourself later down the road or feeling bad about a decision. 

 Last weekend, I was able to see my mom who has also lost some weight the past few months! Check out her progress! 

Aislinn (Big sister), Mom, & Myself

-31 lbs!
 This week I've also had a few Non-Scale Victories when it comes to clothes and overall confidence about my changing and improving body! 

Old Navy clothes, size 14, & my first pair of colored skinny jeans! 

Umm...Hello Confidence! love them!
I've been dairy free for a little over a week now, and sometimes it gets really hard and other times I don't think about it. My friend Annie who is a PCOS fighter & who has lost -75 lbs with healthy eating and Barre3 mentioned the idea of cutting out dairy to improve my breakouts and I can't believe how right she was! I of course talked to my doctor and it was mentioned & agreed upon as an option to try. I'm amazed at the difference in a week!

Here's a pretty funny progress picture. On the L I was 250 in February 2013 and on the R was this week. 

July 1 vs July 31. Month progress. I see improvements and change especially in my back area but at the same time I am excited to keep pushing and see what the difference will be this month.   

My August Goals! 

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